Summer Course on Mood, Aggression & Attraction

Dove e quando

2017-07-02 | Florence (Italy)

Anxiety, depression and related affective disorders are the most prevalent mental health disorders worldwide, but the underlying mechanisms of emotions are also the least understood by modern science. With the Master and Summer School we provide an education in the specialized field of affective neuroscience. This course is part of the International Master of Affective Neuroscience, a postgraduate programme by the universities of Maastricht and Florence, a combination of residential courses and distance teaching. The programme offers a scientific training in the subspecialty of affective disorders. Taught by leading scientists, the programme deals with the latest developments in the field. It is a perfect complement for professional training in psychiatry, clinical psychology and neuroscience. The course can also be taken as a single course in the Summer School on Affective Neuroscience, leading to a certificate, that includes this course and the Summer Course on Mood, Aggression & Attraction. More information: Early applications deadline: 15 April 2017 Applications deadline for grants: 15 April 2017 Applications deadline: 15 May 2017
Ultimo aggiornamento 28 Marzo 2017